S. Michael McColloch PLLC | White Collar Criminal Defense | Dallas, TX | Led the Defense of the CEO of a Top-Ranked Hedge Fund in International Securities Fraud Investigation
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Led the Defense of the CEO of a Top-Ranked Hedge Fund in International Securities Fraud Investigation

  • Led the defense of the CEO of a top-ranked hedge fund which collapsed in the wake of 9-11, resulting in some $70,000,000 in investor losses; in subsequent nationally-publicized case, represented client before S.E.C. and DOJ and in the British Virgin Islands in protracted securities fraud investigation, where DOJ and Interpol reported repeatedly that indictments against client in both countries were “certain”; developed evidence that market forces and systematic computer errors by major Wall Street brokerage house caused the funds’ losses.
Result: DOJ declined prosecution; no indictment in either country.